Malta Health Network

The Malta Health Network brings together over 30 Health related organisations, these include patient support groups and professional bodies. MHN aims to be a voice and represent in Malta, in the EU and internationally, the interests of patients and the health of the community, developing better coordination, collaboration and capacity building through exchange of best practice among Health NGOs, ‘not for profit’ Organizations and Patient Representative Groups.

MHN was set up in 2007 and over the past years it has built good contacts with local entities and Health Authorities. MHN tends to look across issues which are of benefit across patient groups and also works at bringing together groups which may not necessarily at first seem to have commonalities.

MHN was the first entity to promote the European Charter of Patients' rights in Malta and raise awareness of the Patients’ Rights in Cross Border Health Care Directive.

MHN is a full member of the European Patients’ Forum (EPF), European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), International Alliance of Patients Organisations (IAPO) and Volonteurope. Through regular collaboration with Active Citizenship Network (ACN) MHN has worked on raising awareness of Patients’ Rights.


Mob: +356 99 873 213


